
BECEP array installed at South Pole

Professor Clem Pryke and his group are on their way back to Minnesota from the South Pole in Antarctica after completing installation of the new BICEP Array Telescope. Over the next few years this specialized radio telescope ...

Growing crystals to generate random numbers

A team at the University of Glasgow has developed a novel way to generate random numbers by using the randomness inherent in crystal growth. In their paper published in the journal Matter, the group describes using chemistry ...

Uganda army fights voracious desert locusts

Under a warm morning sun scores of weary soldiers stare as millions of yellow locusts rise into the northern Ugandan sky, despite hours spent spraying vegetation with chemicals in an attempt to kill them.

New class of enzymes could lead to bespoke diets, therapeutics

Everyone seems to have an opinion about which foods to eat or avoid, how to lose weight (and keep it off!), and which superfood to horde. But there's a better place to search for health secrets than in a tropical berry: the ...

Time-resolved measurement in a memory device

zAt the Department for Materials of the ETH in Zurich, Pietro Gambardella and his collaborators investigate prospective memory devices. They should be fast, retain data reliably for a long time and also be cheap. So-called ...

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