
Mechanism of iron-based hydrogen bond cleavage revealed

Hydrogen-based fuel cells hold promise for sustainable power generation, but to become practical they need to be more efficient and cost effective. Scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's (PNNL's) Center for ...

Giving workers a voice improves retention

Giving low-wage workers a "voice" on the job—the ability to communicate concerns to management—was thought to improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Lobster's underbelly is as tough as industrial rubber

Flip a lobster on its back, and you'll see that the underside of its tail is split in segments connected by a translucent membrane that appears rather vulnerable when compared with the armor-like carapace that shields the ...

Rosetta's comet sculpted by stress

Feeling stressed? You're not alone. ESA's Rosetta mission has revealed that geological stress arising from the shape of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko has been a key process in sculpting the comet's surface and interior ...

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