
Did humans domesticate themselves?

Human self-domestication posits that among the driving forces of human evolution, humans selected their companions depending on who exhibited more pro-social behavior. Researchers from a team of the UB led by Cedric Boeckx, ...

Jupiter's swirling cloud formations

See swirling cloud formations in the northern area of Jupiter's north temperate belt in this new view taken by NASA's Juno spacecraft.

Singapore to impose carbon tax from 2019

Singapore said Monday it would impose a carbon tax from next year to cut its greenhouse gas emissions and make companies more competitive as global agreements on climate change take effect.

Electric eel-inspired device reaches 110 volts

In an effort to create a power source for future implantable technologies, a team led by Michael Mayer from the University of Fribourg, along with researchers from the University of Michigan and UC San Diego, developed an ...

Study reveals mechanism in spruce tree that causes growth

While it's common knowledge that trees grow when days start to become longer in the springtime and stop growing when days become shorter in the fall, exactly how this happens has not been well understood.

Researchers invent light-emitting nanoantennas

Scientists from ITMO University have developed effective nanoscale light sources based on halide perovskite. Such nanosources are based on subwavelength nanoparticles serving both as emitters and nanoantennas and allow enhancing ...

Team develos new process for manufacturing SWCNT films

In a finding that could accelerate the development of next-generation wearable and flexible electronics, a team of Skoltech scientists led by Professor Albert Nasibulin has discovered a revolutionary means of improving the ...

Will the X3 ion thruster propel us to Mars?

X3 is a powerful ion thruster that could one day propel humans beyond Earth. The thruster was successfully tested few months ago, and could be selected by NASA as a crucial component of propulsion system for future Mars missions.

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