
Case study of microplastics in the ocean

Plastic: its ubiquity and longevity is having a significant impact on the marine environment. That's the diagnosis of one of the world's leading experts in the field, Professor Richard Thompson, who is providing evidence ...

Killing fish egg fungus with a disinfectant

A product used as a disinfectant in agriculture, food preparation, and medical facilities also kills a fungus that causes the disease saprolegniasis on catfish eggs, and it has the potential to treat harmful parasites.

Image: Snow-covered northeastern United States

Yet another potent winter storm battered the northeastern United States on Feb. 14-15, 2015. The nor'easter brought 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 centimeters) of snow across much of eastern New England, along with tropical storm ...

Is urbanization pushing Earth's evolution to a tipping point?

That humans and the cities we build affect the ecosystem and even drive some evolutionary change in species' traits is already known. The signs are small but striking: Spiders in cities are getting bigger and salmon in rivers ...

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