
Subordinate animals as guinea pigs

Subordinate animals must face higher risks than dominant ones Dominant meerkat females yield to their subaltern group members when faced with a dangerous obstacle: as a group of these animals reaches a road, a "guinea pig" ...

Plants help lower temperatures

(Phys.org)—As Melbourne swelters through another heat wave, scientists are using thermal imaging to work out how plants can be used to reduce the severe temperatures in our cities.

Russia asteroid impact: ESA update and assessment

The first firm details of the 15 February asteroid impact in Russia, the largest in more than a century, are becoming clear. ESA is carefully assessing the information as crucial input for developing the Agency's asteroid-hunting ...

Mobile phones may make us healthier, research suggests

(Phys.org)—More than 6 billion people worldwide (including almost 400 million in the United States) now carry mobile phones, which could be used to enhance mental and physical health, a Cornell researcher proposes.

Bigfoot genome sequenced? There are skeptics

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers led by Melba Ketchum of DNA Diagnostics in Nacogdoches, New Mexico, claims to have succeeded in sequencing the genome of Bigfoot (Sasquatch). The team published their findings in DeNovo, ...

Rising seas to hit tropics hardest

Sea levels around the equator will rise up to 150 per cent more than the global average by 2100, new research reveals.

New insight into dogs' fear responses to noise

A study has gained new insight into domestic dogs' fear responses to noises. The behavioural response by dogs to noises can be extreme in nature, distressing for owners and a welfare issue for dogs.

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