
Oldest known drinking straws identified

Archaeologists have identified the oldest surviving drinking straws. The long silver and gold tubes are over 5,000 years old and were likely used to drink beer from a communal vessel.

Why do mitochondria look like they do?

One of the biggest challenges in biology today is to explain the structure of cristae, the inner membranes of mitochondria. An explanation in this case is a set of principles to predict what form the cristae will take after ...

Comprehensive detection of on- and off-target mutations

Sometimes the smallest action can have unintended consequences, like the proverbial flap of a butterfly's wings. So, when making small changes, it's important to be alert to large effects, such as when using gene editing ...

The perfect trap: A new way to control the polarization of light

For quantum communication or optical computing it is important to measure and to influence in which direction a light wave is oscillating. It is now for the first time possible to manipulate this polarization of a continuous ...

Video: Bioluminescence: Living light in the deep sea

A dive into the deep sea is like a trip to outer space. The descent into darkness reveals twinkling lights. Sunlight cannot penetrate to these depths. Instead, this light show comes from the animals that live here. Scientists ...

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