
Five ways to cut down on food waste, and why it matters

When people think about ways to help the environment, encourage biodiversity and decrease greenhouse gases, they don't usually think about the impact of food waste. And yet food waste is responsible for up to 10% of global ...

Fires in the Sierra Nevada likely to grow in frequency

Naturalist John Muir called the Sierra Nevada "the Range of Light." But a more ominous nickname, "the Range of Fire," may lie ahead, according to new research from the University of California, Irvine. By 2040, as humans ...

Gabon is last bastion of endangered African forest elephants

Loss of habitat and poaching have made African forest elephants a critically endangered species. Yet the dense forests of sparsely populated Gabon in the Congo River Basin remain a "last stronghold" of the magnificent creatures, ...

Revolution in imaging with neutrons

An international research team at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a new imaging technology. In the future this technology could not only ...

Researchers reveal structure of itch receptors on cells

Ever wonder what's going on when you get itchy skin, whether from a rash or medication or some other bodily reaction? And why do some strong anti-itching medications make us nauseous, dry-mouthed zombies? Scientists at the ...

Natural seed bank drives diversity

Each year, poppies disperse seeds that grow into a new generation of flowers. Sometimes, some of the seeds postpone their germination for a few years, for example when they're covered by a layer of sand. Only when the sand ...

The financial dangers of echo chambers

As ongoing revelations about Facebook's algorithm are showing, social media's ability to shape our attitudes by steering users into echo chambers is raising questions about our national discourse and drawing increasing attention ...

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