
Canopy gaps help Eastern hemlock outlast invasive insect

A new study finds that creating physical gaps in the forest canopy gives Eastern hemlocks more access to resources and help those trees withstand infestation by an invasive insect. The approach adds another tool to the toolkit ...

New research highlights importance of equity in education

A new study looks at the impact of learning environments on the academic success of racialized students. Compared to their peers, these students feel they have less control in their academic environment, less confidence and ...

Healthy connections can help kids cope with cyberbullying

TikTok, Instagram or YouTube, whatever the platform, if your teen is active on social media, they may encounter cyberbullying. In fact, 44% of Aussie teens say they've had a negative online experience in the past six months.

Unlocking urban diversity: The magnetism of complex amenities

Diversity fuels prosperity in cities, but where do people from diverse backgrounds meet? A study from the Complexity Science Hub now indicates that locations offering a range of rare shops and services may hold the key.

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