
An optical method of sorting nanoparticles by size

NIST scientists have devised and modeled a unique optical method of sorting microscopic and nanoscopic particles by size, with a resolution as fine as 1 nanometer (nm) for particles of similar composition.

As Louisiana floods, measuring the climate change effect

The current flooding in Louisiana is turning into quite an awful event. Even for a low-lying gulf state where flooding is historically chronic, this is extreme. As much as 30 inches of rain fell in some places last week—New ...

Innovative food packaging extends shelf life, reduces footprint

Completed in April 2016, the BIO4MAP project is now bringing a new type of sustainable food packaging to the market. The consortium promises a significant increase in shelf life for fresh pasta and cheese, a cost 25 percent ...

Discovering electric mobility in a playful way

How can services help encourage the spread of electric mobility, and how can they be systematically developed? Using four case studies from Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Norway, Fraunhofer IAO presents various approaches ...

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