
Pacific Islands ask international court to rule on climate

Climate-threatened Pacific islands called on Monday for the International Court of Justice to rule on countries' legal duties to stop climate change, a move designed to ratchet up pressure on polluting nations.

Sudan's gold rush wreaks havoc on health

Sudanese mother Awadya Ahmed has long wondered why her youngest child Talab was born blind and unable to walk; now she suspects the piles of poisonous waste left by gold miners.

Bees boost crops and could steady food prices

Supporting and enhancing pollinators could help stabilise the production of important crops like oilseeds and fruit, reducing the sort of uncertainty that causes food price spikes, new research has shown.

Verbal insults trigger a 'mini slap to the face', finds new research

Hearing insults is like receiving a "mini slap in the face", regardless of the precise context the insult is made in. That is the conclusion of a new paper published in Frontiers in Communication. The researchers used electroencephalography ...

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