
Study eyes worker mobility impact on economy

A new economic model developed at Western calculates the cost of reallocating working‐age Canadians (20-64 years old) from one industry to another and shows that an unwillingness by many to relocate or change careers hurts ...

Research collaboration could reshape injection molding

As Ralph Colby peers at the microscope image in front of him, he thinks he can make them out—"shish kebabs," as polymer scientists call them. Nobody knows for sure what they are, but these shapes that appear at seemingly ...

Image: Proba-1 view of Guam

A cloud-specked view of the US territory of Guam in the western Pacific Ocean, as seen by ESA's Proba-1 microsatellite, which is still observing Earth despite being launched 16 years ago.

Keeping up with sea-level rise

Maintaining a balance between rising sea levels and soil accumulation will rely on careful management of coastal regions.

From an almost perfect universe to the best of both worlds

It was 21 March 2013. The world's scientific press had either gathered in ESA's Paris headquarters or logged in online, along with a multitude of scientists around the globe, to witness the moment when ESA's Planck mission ...

Gold nanoparticles to find applications in hydrogen economy

An international team of scientist of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), Leibniz University Hannover (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and the Ioffe Institute report a way to improve nanocomposite ...

Study finds climate determines shapes of river basins

There are more than 1 million river basins carved into the topography of the United States, each collecting rainwater to feed the rivers that cut through them. Some basins are as small as individual streams, while others ...

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