
Early quake alerts

Six thousand seismic sensors, 200 volunteers and a University of Delaware researcher all have one thing in common – helping scientists study earthquakes.

Immigration and the resources boom

New research from Monash University has found that Australia’s population circumstances demand an immigration program which addresses problems of sustainability, particularly as they affect the quality of urban life ...

Being a dominant breeder is costly for female banded mongooses

There's a subtle hierarchy among the women in banded mongoose societies: only older females get to breed, while younger ones have to wait their turn. If a young female mongoose decides to buck this trend, she risks the wrath ...

Making blood-sucking deadly for mosquitoes

Inhibiting a molecular process cells use to direct proteins to their proper destinations causes more than 90 percent of affected mosquitoes to die within 48 hours of blood feeding, a UA team of biochemists found.

Understanding Pentecostalism's global impact

Pentecostalism — a religious movement that began in a warehouse on Azusa Street in Los Angeles in 1906 — has emerged as a fast-growing minority religion in the developing world, gaining popularity in the Southern ...

Getting positive results with negative ions

Yes! That's the answer scientists from OI Analytical and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory got from their experiments to see if the new IonCCDTM can detect negative ions and large ions. Furthermore, employing instruments ...

Possibly the most distant object known

The most distant objects in the universe are also the oldest -- or at least that is how they appear to us, because their light has had to travel for billions of years to get here. They are also extraordinarily faint since ...

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