
The future of chatbots is more than just small-talk

Human communication goes beyond words. It is complex, rich in nuances and frequently includes non-verbal signs. Yet despite our technological limitations it is not impossible for some aspects of communication to be emulated ...

Scent guides hawk moths to the best-fitting flowers

That the morphology of many pollinators corresponds strikingly to the shape of the flowers they pollinate was observed more than 150 years ago by Charles Darwin. He described this perfect mutual adaptation of flowers and ...

A path away from reliance on oil

The dream of replacing petrochemicals with renewable resources in the manufacture of synthetic fibers and plastics has moved a step closer. A*STAR researchers have genetically modified the bacterium Escherichia coli to produce ...

For cells, some shapes are easier to swallow than others

Scientists have probed the process that allows cells to swallow up particles, finding that some shapes are easier to swallow than others. Cells take in small particles and other objects such as bacteria in a process called ...

New Zealand teachers need to re-think mat time

Mat time may be an important part of a child's education, but new research from Victoria University of Wellington suggests that teachers need to clarify why it matters, if students are to benefit from it.

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