
Discovery lays the foundation for yeast-based drug synthesis

Fans of homebrewed beer and backyard distilleries already know how to employ yeast to convert sugar into alcohol. But a research team led by bioengineers at the University of California, Berkeley, has gone much further by ...

Trading in bitcoin made simpler through new exchange

Investors can for the first time bet on the value of bitcoins through an established stock exchange after Nasdaq launched an index based on the cybercurrency in Stockholm, Sweden.

Pockmarks on the lake bed

An unusual and unexpected discovery: on the floor of Lake Neuchâtel, geologists have happened upon huge underwater craters—some of the largest in the world to be found in lakes. They are not volcanic in origin, but were ...

Chronic illness causes less harm when carnivores cooperate

Gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park have given researchers the first scientific evidence from wild mammals that living in a group can lessen the impacts of a chronic disease. The research also is one of the first studies ...

New cryptic amphipod discovered in West Caucasus caves

An international team of scientists have discovered a new species of typhlogammarid amphipod in the limestone karstic caves of Chjalta mountain range—the southern foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range. The study was published ...

Studying dynamics of ion channels

Scientists from the Vaziri lab at the Vienna Biocenter, together with colleagues at the Institute for Biophysical Dynamics at the University of Chicago, have developed a method using infrared spectroscopy and atomistic modeling ...

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