
For Madrid's trees, record snowfall leaves deep wounds

High among the treetops the sound of a chainsaw rings out and a huge branch comes crashing down as Madrid's forestry engineers move from tree to tree, repairing the damage from the record snowfall seen in January.

How to get customers to talk about you

Researchers from Arizona State University, New York University, and Northwestern University published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines how marketers can fuel positive WOM without using explicit incentives.

Women in cities less likely to have children

A new study in Behavioral Ecology finds that women are less likely to procreate in urban areas that have a higher percentage of females than males in the population.

Dolphins adapt to survive invasive coastal constructions

Bottlenose dolphins learn to cope with coastal construction activities. That is the conclusion of a study published in Frontiers in Marine Science. The study is the first to provide a longitudinal perspective on the cumulative ...

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