
Leaf odor attracts Drosophila suzukii

In 2014, more spotted-wing Drosophila suzukii than ever before were observed in Germany. This pest lays its eggs in fresh and ripening fruits before they are harvested. Infested fruits are often additionally infected with ...

Wild relatives vital to crop improvement

Wild relatives of the nutritious pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) legume should be more actively collected and conserved as a genetic resource for improving crop yields, research suggests.

Towards "printed" organic solar cells and LEDs

Flexible optoelectronic devices that can be produced roll-to-roll – much like newspapers are printed – are a highly promising path to cheaper devices such as solar cells and LED lighting panels. Scientists from "TREASORES" ...

Are you afraid of technology? You shouldn't be

Nary a week goes by that doesn't see a new mainstream media story on the dangers of technology use. Just the other day I spotted one talking about how smartphones are making us dumber.

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