
Researcher looks underwater for history of the Roman Empire

Stanford scholar Justin Leidwanger spends a lot of time underwater. An assistant professor of classics, Leidwanger is a maritime archeologist. His research entails what it sounds like it would – exploring artifacts that ...

Fine-tuning Stephen Hawking's theory of mass

(Phys.org) —If you want to know your body's mass, you hop on a scale and watch the needle swing. But if you want to know the mass of a region out in space, there's no cosmic equivalent—the best you can do is consult a ...

Memory closes in on single photons

(Phys.org) —In a world-first, an optical memory – a key component for quantum computers – has been created within a hollow-core optical fibre and shown to operate at the level of a single particle of light (a photon).

Nanopores underlie our ability to tune in to a single voice

Even in a crowded room full of background noise, the human ear is remarkably adept at tuning in to a single voice—a feat that has proved remarkably difficult for computers to match. A new analysis of the underlying mechanisms, ...

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