
In the city, rabbits build more densely

European wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) not only achieve high population densities in the city, their burrows are also built more densely and on a smaller external scale. That is something researchers in the Goethe ...

Fathers and microfinance empower women

Two studies published in the latest issue of the Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities addressed women's empowerment through education and political engagement.

Climate models suggest major changes in coastal marine ecosystems

Climate change over the 21st century will significantly alter an important oceanographic process that regulates the productivity of fisheries and marine ecosystems, according to an interdisciplinary research team led by Northeastern ...

Igniting the air for atmospheric research

Scientists from Vienna and Moscow have created a high-energy mid-infrared laser powerful enough to create shining filaments in the air. Such devices could be used to detect chemical substances in the atmosphere.

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