
Looking beyond the Kyoto Protocol

Ten years ago, on 16 February 2005, the Kyoto Protocol came into force. The aim of this international agreement was to reduce the annual emissions of greenhouse gases. Targets and expectations were high, but have the goals ...

Image sensors that behave like biological retinas

Ever since the invention of the first camera obscura and the advent of photography in the 19th century, scientists have been fascinated by the use of light sensors to capture the world around us from the perspective of a ...

Clean thermal energy for clean fresh water

RMIT's Dr Abhijit Date was awarded the $AUD132,000 grant for his research into a sustainable and economical fresh water management system that could be used in coastal areas of India and salt-affected farming land in Australia.

New paper-like material could boost electric vehicle batteries

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside's Bourns College of Engineering have developed a novel paper-like material for lithium-ion batteries. It has the potential to boost by several times the specific energy, ...

Rare Antarctic sub-glacial eruption

Australian scientists are hoping a rare sub-glacial water eruption near Australia's Casey station, will reveal why meltwater is present, and the extent of a river and dam system flowing deep under the Law Dome ice cap.

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