
US regulators examine Apple media platform: WSJ

US antitrust regulators have begun to examine Apple's online platform for subscriptions for newspapers and other content through its App Store, the Wall Street Journal reported Thursday.

Destructive cyber attack inevitable: NSA chief

The US National Security Agency (NSA) chief on Thursday urged top computer security specialists to harden the nation's critical infrastructure against inevitable destructive cyber attacks.

New Zealanders' 'rear view cam' an Internet hit

Footage of two New Zealand women using a hidden camera to catch men leering at their behinds has gone viral on the Internet, attracting more than a million hits in three days.

Segregation in charter schools, research shows

When the charter school system was first proposed and developed two decades ago, it was heralded, in part, as a promising means of achieving classroom diversity. However, the incidence of racial isolation in those schools ...

AMD announces a wireless video-streaming display system

(PhysOrg.com) -- AMD has, with the assistance of videoconferencing software maker ViVu, entered the wireless video-streaming display arena. The display, has been informally nick-name of the AMD Wireless TV, since the technology ...

Fair and accurate elections, statistically speaking

The political controversy surrounding the Electoral College -- the institution whereby we elect the president of the United States -- is as old as the republic. In spite of recent contentious elections that raised the controversy ...

Earthquake's early warning signals detected for the first time

The 1999 Izmit earthquake in Turkey is one of the best recorded in the world. For the first time, researchers from CNRS, Kandilli Observatory (Istanbul) and the Tubitak research center observed that the earthquake was preceded ...

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