
Distinguishing between right and left with magnets

Using a chiral superconductor, scientists at Institute for Molecular Science and Shizuoka University have demonstrated that the magnet can distinguish right and left forms of the chiral crystal despite the common belief that ...

A new approach to sharing the burden of carbon dioxide removal

To have a chance to achieve the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5–2°C compared to pre-industrial levels, it is clear that we will need to go beyond restricting emissions and actively focus on removing ...

Emergent behavior observed in self-interacting light

Particles of light—photons—that are forced to interact with each other through specially structured glass demonstrate behavior evocative of the "fractional quantum Hall effect," a phenomenon that garnered the 1998 Nobel ...

The effects of tightening a molecular knot

A study conducted by Anne-Sophie Duwez and Damien Sluysmans from the NANOCHEM group at the University of Liège (Belgium) has made it possible to decode the mechanical response of small-molecule synthetic overhand knots by ...

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