
CO molecular tilting detected by red-shifted TERS

The invention of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques, including scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), has led to a paradigm shift in the visualization and understanding of surface structures ...

An enhanced cooling method for the quantum world

The quantum nature of objects visible to the naked eye is currently a much-discussed research question. A team led by Innsbruck physicist Gerhard Kirchmair has now demonstrated a new method in the laboratory that could make ...

From octopus to elephant: A molecular zoo of epigenetics

Our genes are encoded in the DNA sequence of the genome, which is highly similar across the diverse cell types of our body. Yet, each cell can only access those genes that are in an epigenetically permissive state. The epigenome ...

First observation of the Cherenkov radiation phenomenon in 2D space

Researchers from the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology have presented the first experimental observation of Cherenkov radiation confined ...

Negative marital communications leave literal, figurative wounds

A tendency for one or both spouses to avoid or withdraw from tough conversations could set up married couples for emotional distress, bad feelings about their relationship, chronic inflammation and lowered immune function, ...

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