
China tells local meteorological bureaus to stop smog alerts

China is suspending local meteorological bureaus from issuing smog alerts, media reported Wednesday, raising suspicions the government is attempting to suppress information about the country's air pollution as public anger ...

Audiobooks see boom in digital, multitasking age

Curling up with a paperback may be a forgotten luxury for many thanks to today's busy lifestyles, but listening to a book on the go, while shopping or jogging, is fast becoming the new norm.

Mitochondrial DNA shows past climate change effects on gulls

To understand the present and future, we have to start with the past. A new study in The Auk: Ornithological Advances uses the mitochondrial DNA of Heermann's Gulls to draw conclusions about how their population has expanded ...

Swamphens signal dominance through fleshy faces

What's in a face? In addition to their plumage, Pukeko—large purple swamphens found in New Zealand—convey information about their status through their faces. A new study from The Auk: Ornithological Advances shows that ...

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