
Factory smoke clouds China pollution pledges

Clouds of smoke billow from the chimneys at a Chinese chemical plant rumbling with activity, more than a year after authorities closed it following protests by thousands of people.

Google pulls 'Make Me Asian' app after uproar

Google has removed a "Make Me Asian" app—that let players change their appearance—following an uproar by Asian American activists who said the game promoted derogatory stereotypes.

Temperature hits all-time record in Sydney

Temperatures in Sydney on Friday hit their highest levels since records began 150 years ago, after an Australian government agency warned of more frequent and intense heatwaves in the future.

New material for warm-white LEDs invented

Light emitting diodes, more commonly called LEDs, are known for their energy efficiency and durability, but the bluish, cold light of current white LEDs has precluded their widespread use for indoor lighting.

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