
US venture investments declined in 2012 (Update)

A new study shows that funding for U.S. business startups declined in 2012, the first time that's happened in three years, as venture capitalists spent less money on fewer deals.

New report reveals insights into Swan River dolphin population

(Phys.org)—A new report by Murdoch University researchers on dolphins in the Swan Canning Riverpark has shown that a core group of around 20 dolphins are resident year-round in the estuary, while 16 others make occasional ...

Study provides new insights on drought predictions in East Africa

(Phys.org)—With more than 40 million people living under exceptional drought conditions in East Africa, the ability to make accurate predictions of drought has never been more important. In the aftermath of widespread famine ...

Unrestricted access to the details of deadly eruptions

Details of around 2,000 major volcanic eruptions which occurred over the last 1.8 million years have been made available in a new open access database, complied by scientists at the University of Bristol with colleagues from ...

Study finds severe climate jeopardizing Amazon forest

(Phys.org)—An area of the Amazon rainforest twice the size of California continues to suffer from the effects of a megadrought that began in 2005, finds a new NASA-led study. These results, together with observed recurrences ...

Golden algae: They hunt, they kill, they cheat

(Phys.org)—Cheating is a behavior not limited to humans, animals and plants. Even microscopically small, single-celled algae do it, a team of UA researchers has discovered.

Social media pays off for businesses, study shows

(Phys.org)—Customers who connect with a business through social media will go to the business more frequently and contribute more to its bottom line, according to a new study from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

World's largest natural sound archive now online

(Phys.org)—After 12 years of work, Cornell's Macaulay Library archive, the largest collection of wildlife sounds in the world, is now digitized and fully available online.

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