
How long until we can build R2-D2 and C-3PO?

The Star Wars universe is full of droids. Everywhere you turn, there are medical droids, exploration droids, labour droids, pilot droids, even battle droids. They carry out clearly defined tasks, often with a degree of independence, ...

The puzzle of the origin of elements in the universe

A rare nuclear reaction that occurs in red giants has been observed for the first time at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy. This result was achieved by the LUNA experiment, the world's only accelerator facility ...

Euclid dark universe mission ready to take shape

Euclid, ESA's dark universe mission, has passed its preliminary design review, providing confidence that the spacecraft and its payload can be built. It's time to start 'cutting metal'.

An unlikely pair of satellites

Space research and exploration reaches across Earth's borders and boundaries, relying on collaboration between nations, disciplines and institutions.

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