
Researchers developing virtual teachers to help dyslexic students

A professor in the School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication is researching the development of a virtual teacher that will facilitate the most demanding portions of learning curricula for children with dyslexia.

Putting carbon back where it came from

The UN Climate Conference ended with a promising deal to reduce our impact on the climate, ratified by all 190 participating countries. It remains to be seen if and how these ambitious goals will be met. But one thing is ...

Researchers 3D-print with reactive materials

Reactive composite materials are everywhere, from the life-saving air bags in your car to the dazzling pyrotechnics in Fourth of July fireworks. But one of the main drawbacks to using these materials has been the unpredictability ...

Bigger is better for Zealandia's tuatara

The size and health of the tuatara population was assessed this month in a joint project by Victoria University of Wellington and Zealandia—the first time many of the iconic creatures will have been handled since the species ...

10,000-year record shows dramatic uplift at Andean volcano

Ongoing studies of a massive volcanic field in the Andes mountains show that the rapid uplift which has raised the surface more than six feet in eight years has occurred many times during the past 10,000 years.

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