
Conservation call on sawfish nursery

Murdoch University researchers have identified an important nursery for a critically endangered species of sawfish and are calling for conservation efforts to be focused there.

When did Australia's human history begin?

In July, a new date was published that pushed the opening chapters of Australian history back to 65,000 years ago. It is the latest development in a time revolution that has gripped the nation over the past half century.

Ocean warming signals diet change for European shags

The diet of European shags has diversified as a result of warming North Sea temperatures according to a new long-term study led by the University of Liverpool and the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.

Objectively measuring how clean our cities are

EPFL researchers have come up with a fact-based system to measure urban cleanliness. Municipal authorities will now be able to draw on objective assessments when planning their street cleaning – a sector with multi-million-franc ...

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