
Without grandmothers we might not be here at all

As adults, we're often nostalgic for our childhood. A time when life seemed so much simpler. When we were free from the hassles of money, pressures of work and responsibilities of family and care.

UK to double funding to fight cyber-attacks

Britain on Tuesday said it will double its investment in cyber-security to counter threats including from the Islamic State group, in the wake of the Paris attacks claimed by IS.

Managing the data deluge for national security analysts

After a disaster or national tragedy, bits of information often are found afterward among vast amounts of available data that might have mitigated or even prevented what happened, had they been recognized ahead of time.

Researchers develop flexo-electric nanomaterial

Researchers at the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute, together with researchers from several other knowledge institutions, have developed a 'flexo-electric' nanomaterial. The material has built-in mechanical ...

Marketing expert exposes the darker side of Black Friday

Opting out of the US imported concept of Black Friday could be the most sensible business decision for retailers as they head into the pre-Christmas trading period, according to leading academic Dr Heiner Evanschitzky, Professor ...

Gender diversity curbs CEO excess

Chief executives are less likely to be overpaid when women are on a board's compensation committee, according to world-first research that draws a direct link between the two.

Electrons always find a (quantum) way

Scientists from the Swiss Nanoscience Institute and the Department of Physics at the University of Basel have demonstrated for the first time how electrons are transported from a superconductor through a quantum dot into ...

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