
Halliburton buying Baker Hughes in $34.6B deal

In a deal that shows just how quickly falling prices can upend the energy industry, Halliburton is buying rival oilfield services company Baker Hughes in a cash-and-stock deal worth $34.6 billion.

Prejudice is being privatised by equality legislation

Prejudiced attitudes towards minorities have not gone away as a result of equality legislation they have just been privatised, new research by the University of Sheffield has revealed.

Ancient DNA sheds light on the origin of Europeans

Much of the evidence of where the first Europeans came from was originally derived from comparisons of skulls but our work looking at ancient DNA is revealing new insight, with results published this month in Science.

What's killing Tassie devils if it isn't a contagious cancer?

Scientists have been trying to figure out the cause of the deadly cancer affecting so many Tasmanian devils but the research doesn't seem to be providing many useful answers. What if they're looking in the wrong place for ...

Cave-dwelling pseudoscorpions evolve in isolation

Scientists studying pseudoscorpions living in aquifers in north-west Australia have found each aquifer is home to unique species that evolved in isolation, despite having a common ancestor.

Broadband is East Africa's 21st century railway to the world

The excitement over the potentially transformative effects of the internet in low-income countries is nowhere more evident than in East Africa – the last major populated region of the world to gain a wired connection to ...

Mapping the crisis of displaced peoples

Population displacement is a global problem, one that historically has been insufficiently quantified and analyzed, especially given its wide-ranging effects. Displacement can result from a number of factors, including armed ...

EU's total responsibility for global emissions has increased

"The Kyoto Protocol has not met the expectations. Currently, global emissions are at a more than 50% higher level than during the Protocol's reference year, 1990. In the light of current trends and the annual increase in ...

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