
The earthworm effect: Unraveling soil weathering dynamics

Earthworms, the hardworking invertebrates that grace the upper layers of soil, have long been considered helpful in our home gardens. Earthworms are prolific munchers, grinding up organic material and sediment grains that ...

Study examines how religious faith bolsters family hope and unity

A new study from Brigham Young University finds that a family's religious beliefs and practices are a key catalyst to promote hope in the future and hope to manage personal challenges, which can help families build resiliency ...

Insights into 2D materials from international collaboration

Roman Engel-Herbert, Director of PDI, and Joao Marcelo J. Lopes, a Senior Scientist at PDI, were honored recently with an invitation to review the field of two-dimensional layered materials (2DLM) in a paper for ACS Nano ...

Study finds social media photos may drive new customers away

Social media marketers sharing photos of people vacationing in exotic locales or attending events at exclusive venues may actually be driving new customers away, according to a recently published Tulane University study.

NASA's Lucy spacecraft continues approach to asteroid Dinkinesh

Since NASA's Lucy spacecraft first imaged the asteroid Dinkinesh on Sept. 3, 2023, Lucy has traveled over 33 million miles (54 million km) and is now 4.7 million miles (7.6 million km) away from the small asteroid. However, ...

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