
The little squirt that can pack an environmental punch

The humble sea squirt may be diminutive in size and stature but according to UWA PhD student Tiffany Simpson introduced species of this strange looking animal have the potential to do big damage.

Media plays role in igniting price wars

Before Reserve Bank Governor Graeme Wheeler even announced last week's cut to the Official Cash Rate, there were media reports of fixed mortgage rates heading towards record lows. Massey University's Professor Harald van ...

Tuning polymer interpenetration

Polymer nanocomposites are used in a wide range of applications, from automobile parts and tires to high-tech electronics and solar cells.

How we plan to bring dark matter to light

Long before we had the atomic theory of matter, scientists knew the air was real, even though it was invisible. This was because we could see its action as the wind caressed the leaves in trees.

Research suggests good rules can instill 'habits of virtue'

Rules that encourage cooperative behavior lead people to develop altruistic responses even in new contexts, a new Yale-led research found. This spillover effect suggests it is possible for organizations or even entire cultures ...

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