
Intel unveils Rosepoint—CPU and WiFi on same chip

(Phys.org)—Justin Rattner, Chief Technology Officer at Intel, got up on stage at a recent Developer Forum sponsored by the company and talked about some of the communications technology it's working on; chiefly a chip it ...

Woman takes command of ISS after crew return

A woman took command of the International Space Station for only the second time Monday as three of her US and Russian colleagues made a safe return from the orbiting space lab to the Kazakh steppe.

US, Russian space trio lands in Kazakhstan

An international three-man crew onboard a Russian-made Soyuz capsule touched down successfully on the cloudless central Kazakhstan steppe Monday morning after 123 days at the International Space Station.

Google blocks anti-Islam film in Malaysia

Google has begun barring access in Malaysia to an anti-Islamic film that has sparked fury across the Muslim world after the country's Internet regulator lodged an official complaint.

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