
New cryptocurrency introduces new risks

In the fundraising prospectus for a new business there will always be a disclaimer saying that "any investment carries some risk." That's also true if you're investing digital money.

Gene copies were crucial to evolution of our eyesight

A new study published in BMC Evolutionary Biology sheds light on the evolutionary origin of vertebrate vision and the specialisations in zebrafish to adapt to rapidly changing light conditions. The research was led by Xesús ...

The pizza slice that comes at a price

A recent study has shown that emissions in major cities caused by restaurants such as pizzerias and steakhouses using wood burners can be damaging to the urban environment. 

Can beach cleans do more than clean up litter?

Volunteer beach cleans may only make a small contribution to the presence and prevalence of marine litter but could have numerous benefits to those involved and to the environment, new research suggests.

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