
London museum deploys 'gay' moth sex controls

London's Natural History Museum is trialling a quirky system using female moth pheromones to confuse males into homosexual activity in its battle to stop the damaging cloth-eating insects from breeding.

Self-styled opinion leaders share more news, useful or not

Journalism has always depended on people sharing news, whether by word of mouth or clipping an article out of the paper. Today, all it takes is the click of a button to pass news along. A new study by a University of Kansas ...

Shark deterrent research reveals interesting results

Shark researchers from the Neuroecology Group at The University of Western Australia have released the results of their WA State Government-funded research into the effectiveness of a range of novel and commercial shark deterrents.

Data bank launched for global access to ancient DNA

Medical and other researchers and science teachers around the world will be able to compare ancient DNA from humans from thousands of years ago with the genetics of modern day humans, thanks to a new world-first open access ...

Amplifying small motions in large motions

For several years now, the research groups of MIT professors of computer science and engineering William Freeman and Frédo Durand have been investigating techniques for amplifying movements captured by video but indiscernible ...

Poll shows some distrust police, most agree on video

In the latest Empire State Poll, which asks about trusting local police, about 23 percent of New York state's black residents and 24 percent of Hispanic or Latino residents reported a low level of trust, compared with only ...

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