
Membrane complexes take flight

Against currently held dogma, scientists at the Universities of Cambridge and Bristol have revealed that the interactions within membrane complexes can be maintained intact in the vacuum of a mass spectrometer. Their research ...

The watchman’s song

Soldiers on sentry duty in hostile territory keep in regular radio contact with their colleagues to assure them that all is well and that they are safe to carry on their manoeuvres. New research by Dr Andy Radford of the ...

Unique protein from an extremophilic organism discovered

New light has been shed on the microbial life living in extreme environments. Research by Professor Peter Golyshin of Bangor University, and an international team, published in the prestigious scientific journal, Proceedings ...

New research on octopuses sheds light on memory

Research on octopuses has shed new light on how our brains store and recall memory, says Dr. Benny Hochner of the Department of Neurobiology at the Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences at the Hebrew University of ...

Researchers test sediment-scrubbing technology in NH river

In a mud flat at the edge of the Cocheco River, just outside downtown Dover, scientists from the University of New Hampshire's Contaminated Sediments Center are testing an innovative way to treat polluted sediment in coastal ...

Tracking Prions

Infectious proteins known as prions have been identified as the cause of “mad cow” disease (BSE). The culprits are “incorrectly folded” proteins that can “infect” healthy proteins. The molecular bases for such ...

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