
Physicists discover a new form of light

Physicists from Trinity College Dublin's School of Physics and the CRANN Institute, Trinity College, have discovered a new form of light, which will impact our understanding of the fundamental nature of light.

New diatom species identified

A newly discovered species of diatom, a microscopic creature that is key to the health of the planet, is named after a Lancaster professor.

Digital 'clone' testing aims to maximize machine efficiency

Just as medical researchers hope to use DNA analysis to help patients live longer and healthier lives, engineers at Sentient Science are looking to better understand what machines are made of to maximize their lifespans.

Mars rover scientist hopes to find more evidence of liquid water

Although the existence of liquid water on the Red Planet was confirmed by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) last year, the scientific community is gearing up for a more thorough analysis of the topic that could be ...

BP struggles for Great Australian Bight drill approval

British oil giant BP's plan to drill in the Great Australian Bight failed on Tuesday to win regulatory approval for a second time, although it can re-apply, with environmentalists urging the project be abandoned.

Virtual Reality puts viewer in the movie at Cannes

What if you could both watch a film and be a character in it: perhaps an animated bunny fighting off inept aliens or a humanoid robot struggling with its identity?

Fishing ban urged to save world's smallest porpoise

Mexican authorities faced calls to ban all fishing in the upper Gulf of California or permanently prohibit gillnets to save the vaquita marina, the world's smallest porpoise, from extinction.

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