
A New 'Dawn' in Space

(PhysOrg.com) -- A Russian-built Mini-Research Module-1 launched on space shuttle Atlantis' STS-132 mission May 14.

Eight voters register by use of mobile touch-screen devices

The Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters made history Friday when it allowed eight county residents to register to vote by writing their signatures on iPads, iPhones and other mobile touch-screen devices.

Mathematical model explains marital breakups

(PhysOrg.com) -- Most people know love takes work, and effort is needed to sustain a happy relationship over the long term, but now a mathematician in Spain has for the first time explained it mathematically by developing ...

Glass electrodes used in nanoscale pump

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of engineers from the U.S. and South Korea has developed what is believed to be the smallest man-made pump ever built, powered by a glass electrode. The pump is about the same size as a red blood corpuscle.

50 Years Of Lasers

This weekend marked the 50th anniversary of the invention of the first working laser. Today, lasers can be found almost everywhere, from telephone lines to cutting edge scientific research, supermarket scanners, and even ...

Models indicate Gulf spill may be in major current

(AP) -- Researchers tracking the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico say computer models show the black ooze may have already entered a major current flowing toward the Florida Keys, and are sending out a research vessel ...

Teens learn dangers of texting while driving

(AP) -- Kamy Mayott has been told that texting while driving is dangerous. But the 15-year-old didn't know just how dangerous until she navigated a golf cart through an obstacle course while texting and took out a whole ...

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