
Chamber measurement standards established for fine particles

What effects do global warming and the formation of fine particles have on each other? Since the entire atmosphere cannot be heated for experimental purposes, a part of it is put in a chamber and investigated there. Now, ...

3 innovations helping the homeless in Eugene, Oregon

Even when the economy is booming, the United States has trouble figuring out how to deal with homelessness. Now, with unemployment soaring and millions of Americans unable to pay their rent, solutions are more needed than ...

Rad revelations: Future fuel designs from noble metals

Researchers at PNNL are removing a shroud of mystery surrounding the behavior of certain metal particles in nuclear fuel. The team's findings could improve future fuel designs for more efficient and safe production of nuclear ...

Researchers discover novel optical sensing technology

Researchers at Northumbria University have developed a new optical sensing technology which can light up areas of an object or material by creating microscopic wrinkles and folds within its surface.

Earth Day alert to save our frogs

With climate action a theme of Earth Day 2020 (22 April 2020), a new research paper highlights the plight of some of the most at-risk amphibian species—and shortfalls in most conservation efforts.

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