
Tuning terahertz transmission

The ability to manipulate light on a subwavelength-scale could lead to a revolution in photonic devices such as antennas, solar panels, and even cloaking devices. Nanotechnology advances have made this possible through the ...

Army researchers identify new way to improve cybersecurity

With cybersecurity one of the nation's top security concerns and billions of people affected by breaches last year, government and businesses are spending more time and money defending against it. Researchers at the U.S. ...

Transparent architecture

ETH spin-off Archilyse promises nothing less than the "world's most comprehensive architecture analysis" on its website. The young entrepreneurs are attracting a lot of interest in the real estate sector.

World-record quantum computing result for Sydney teams

A world-record result in reducing errors in semiconductor 'spin qubits', a type of building block for quantum computers, has been achieved using the theoretical work of quantum physicists at the University of Sydney Nano ...

Asian elephant outlives stegodon—advantage due to diverse diet

Together with their Chinese colleagues, Senckenberg scientists studied the feeding habits of the Asian elephant and its extinct relative, the stegodon, during the Pleistocene. They reached the conclusion that the Asian elephant ...

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