
Nuclease-resistant hybrid nanoflowers

An eco-friendly method to synthesize DNA-copper nanoflowers with high load efficiencies, low cytotoxicity, and strong resistance against nucleases has been developed by Professor Hyun Gyu Park in the Department of Chemical ...

Make our soil great again

Most of us don't think much about soil, let alone its health. But as Earth Day approaches, it's time to recommend some skin care for Mother Nature. Restoring soil fertility is one of humanity's best options for making progress ...

On intelligence

During human evolution, our cerebral cortex increased in size in response to new environmental challenges. The cerebral cortex is the site of diverse processes, including visual perception and language acquisition. However, ...

Tweaking the transcriptome to tackle stress

Single-celled plankton known as dinoflagellates are shown to cope with stress using an unexpected strategy of editing their RNA rather than changing gene expression levels.

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