
High-tech boost for beef producers

The farmers of the future will soon have a new tool at their disposal. Within two years, an artificial intelligence system trained to recognise indicators of animal condition will take its place in the yards of livestock ...

Assisted regeneration could make farmers money

Researchers have found that assisting vegetation to grow back naturally could be a far more profitable way for farmers to lock in carbon than the more commonly considered method of planting trees and shrubs.

Racism 'a factor' in child removal

For nearly three excruciating days, Albert Hartnett had no clue where his 18-month-old daughter, Stella, was being kept.

Freo leads the pack with greenie gardens

Factors like a sense of community and residents who are 'keeping up with the Jonses' are among complex drivers behind Australian's preferences for European, colonial style gardens over designs using native plants.

Building a better course starts with the syllabus

Recent award-winning research from the University of Virginia's Teaching Resource Center shows that tailoring teaching to how students learn improves courses and creates long-lasting impact.

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