
China firm seeks $100 bn from Qualcomm

A Chinese semiconductor company will seek a $100 billion penalty against Qualcomm for trademark infringement, it said Tuesday—almost as much as the US mobile chip titan's entire market capitalisation.

Researchers develop revolutionary 3D printing technology

A 3D printing technology developed by Silicon Valley startup, Carbon3D Inc., enables objects to rise from a liquid media continuously rather than being built layer by layer as they have been for the past 25 years, representing ...

Researchers rethink how our feathered friends evolved

A recently published global genome study that used the data-intensive Gordon supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer at the University of California, San Diego, has researchers rethinking how avian lineages diverged ...

Language of gene switches unchanged across the evolution

The language used in the switches that turn genes on and off has remained the same across millions of years of evolution, according to a new study led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The findings, which ...

Improving productivity of welding by reducing groove angle

LUT has been developing materials and technology suitable for Arctic conditions. Principles for safe and ecological design and manufacturing of structures and devices used for energy production in the Arctic have been defined ...

Hollywood's messages about nature and the environment

A study published recently in Environmental Communication has revealed the dual and conflicting messages in commercial films for young audiences about pivotal environmental problems and their potential resolution.

What's on the menu for young African sawflies?

Sawflies belong to the same insect group as wasps, bees and ants. Unlike many of the latter, sawflies seldom make themselves conspicuous to humans, although the young stages (larvae) of some species, nearly all of which feed ...

Synchronised rotations of molecules for novel investigations

Scientists in Hamburg have resorted to a physical trick to persuade entire groups of molecules to perform synchronized cartwheels, virtually endlessly. This technique opens up new opportunities for imaging molecules and their ...

New binocular nova discovered in Sagittarius

Looks like the Sagittarius Teapot's got a new whistle. On March 15, John Seach of Chatsworth Island, NSW, Australia discovered a probable nova in the heart of the constellation using a DSLR camera and fast 50mm lens. Checks ...

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