
Clear up confusion on computing cloud

If your head hasn't been lost up in the cirrus or cumulus, you've probably heard of cloud computing over the last few years.

Traders who 'sync up' make more money: study

(PhysOrg.com) -- Long-standing problems are quite often solved simultaneously by various people working alone. Take, for example, naturalists Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, who separately proposed the theory of ...

IAEA warned Japan over nuclear quake risk: WikiLeaks

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warned Japan two years ago that a strong earthquake could pose a "serious problem" for its nuclear power stations, Britain's Daily Telegraph reported.

Quake shifted Japan away from Korea: scientists

The massive earthquake that devastated northeastern Japan has shifted the country more than two metres away from the neighbouring Korean peninsula, scientists said on Thursday.

Canadian nuclear plant 'leaked radioactive water'

Thousands of liters of radioactive water have been released into Lake Ontario as a result of an accident at a Canadian nuclear power plant, according to authorities.

Iran sends rocket, capsule into space: IRNA

Iran on Thursday signalled a broadening of its space ambitions by announcing the launch of a new rocket and a test capsule designed to house a monkey, amid Western concerns over its scientific advances.

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