
New 'black widow' millisecond pulsar discovered

An international team of astronomers reports the detection of a new millisecond pulsar (MSP) using the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). The newfound pulsar, designated PSR J1555−2908, turns out to be one of the so-called "black ...

Larvicidal flavonoids inhibit key enzyme in yellow fever mosquitoes

When most people think of flavonoids, natural compounds found in plants and other organisms, their nutritional benefits probably come to mind first. But these compounds may have another health benefit: Researchers from Japan ...

Can religion and faith combat eco-despair?

Scientists regularly study the ongoing degradation of Earth's environment and track the changes wrought by a warming planet. Economists warn that intensifying disasters are harming people's quality of life. And policymakers ...

Nano-sized plastics may enter and permeate cell membranes

The occurrence of microplastics in nature has been studied extensively, also at the University of Eastern Finland. However, little is known about the health effects of microplastics, and understanding of their transport into ...

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