
Quick identification of high-performance, multi-element catalysts

Many electrochemical reactions go through several steps. Each should be optimized on a catalyst surface if possible, but different requirements apply to each step. "Since previous catalysts usually had only one optimized ...

Innovation predicts higher profits and stock returns

A large-scale study of the link between innovation and financial performance in Australian companies has found more innovative companies post higher future profits and stock returns.

New bioprinting technique allows for complex microtissues

Bioprinting is currently used to generate model tissues for research and has potential applications in regenerative medicine. Existing bioprinting techniques rely on printing cells embedded in hydrogels, which results in ...

Low-wage workers at risk for automation: study

In a study published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface in January 2021, SFI External Professor Doyne Farmer, first author Maria del Rio-Chanona, and their colleagues at Oxford University explore the impact of ...

The confluence influence

Someone once infamously remarked that the public has "had enough of experts." This is so obviously not the case in so many walks of life, of course, including marketing and commerce. Social media, for instance, has given ...

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