
Mighty marsupial lion claws its way out of the darkness

Flinders University palaeontologists have cast new light on the behaviour of Australia's fearsome marsupial lion (Thylacoleo carnifex) – one of the most unique meat-eating mammals ever to have lived.

Researcher developing hand-held gold sensor

Instead of a pan and a pick ax, prospectors of the future might seek gold with a hand-held biosensor that uses a component of DNA to detect traces of the element in water.

Enabling human-robot rescue teams

Autonomous robots performing a joint task send each other continual updates: "I've passed through a door and am turning 90 degrees right." "After advancing 2 feet I've encountered a wall. I'm turning 90 degrees right." "After ...

The lost meteorites of Antarctica

A hidden reserve of iron-rich meteorites which could hold secrets to the formation of the solar system may be hidden beneath the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet, according to a study by a team from The University of Manchester.

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