
Focusing on the success of others can make us selfish

It is believed that the success of humans as a species depends to a large extent on our ability to cooperate in groups. Much more so than any other ape (or mammal for that matter), people are able to work together and coordinate ...

Xiaomi was China smartphone market leader in 2014: IDC

Upstart Xiaomi was the top smartphone company in China last year with a 12.5 percent market share, narrowly outpacing South Korea's Samsung, market intelligence firm International Data Corporation (IDC) said Tuesday.

Scuba divers lead charge against invasive lionfish

Clad in a gray hooded wetsuit, Eric Billips straps on his scuba tank, grabs a pole spear and nods at his dive buddy as they step feet-first off the boat and disappear with a splash into sparkling blue waters off the Florida ...

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