
Voltage tester for beating cardiac cells

For the first time, scientists have succeeded in recording the current in membrane channels of contracting cardiac cells. To do this, the scientists combined an atomic force microscope with a widely used method for measuring ...

A close call of 0.8 light years

A group of astronomers from the US, Europe, Chile and South Africa have determined that 70,000 years ago a recently discovered dim star is likely to have passed through the solar system's distant cloud of comets, the Oort ...

Novel crumpling method takes flat graphene from 2D to 3D

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have developed a unique single-step process to achieve three-dimensional (3D) texturing of graphene and graphite. Using a commercially available thermally activated ...

Tiny Oregon minnow is first fish taken off endangered list

A tiny minnow that lives only in backwaters in Oregon's Willamette Valley is the first fish to be formally removed from Endangered Species Act protection because it is no longer in danger of extinction, officials said Tuesday.

Time for a bold dingo experiment in NSW national park

Allowing dingoes to return to Sturt National Park in NSW, Australia and researching the results may be the key to managing the future of dingoes and many threatened native mammals, University of Sydney researchers believe.

Even animals compose

An international research team lead by Marisa Hoeschele from the University of Vienna argue that only by combining examination of species' natural behaviour and artificially testing species for their potentials the animal ...

Researchers test radiation-resistant spintronic material

A team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Western Michigan University is exploring new materials that could yield higher computational speeds and lower power consumption, even in harsh environments.

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