
Resistance shapes the discovery of new insecticides

Recent news around the world has focused on the dangers of antibiotic resistance. But what of another type of resistance which can also have a huge impact on the population: that to insecticides?

Kepler Mission: K2 spacecraft operation tests continue

On Jan. 30, in response to an invitation from NASA Headquarters, the Kepler team submitted a proposal to the 2014 Astrophysics Senior Review of Operating Missions to continue scientific observations with the Kepler spacecraft ...

Ten more years for the ISS

A lot can happen in 10 years. Over the past decade an international laboratory, widely known but often under-appreciated, has been producing results at an extraordinary rate. Using its unique capabilities,

NASA Completes First ATTREX Science Mission

NASA's Global Hawk No. 872 completed a 17.5-hour science flight Feb. 14, it's first for the 2014 Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX) mission.

How healthy are Scotland's otters?

(Phys.org) —Scotland's otters are for the first time in 20 years to be included in a UK-wide study aimed at giving scientists an insight into the chemical pollutants threatening their health and the health of their habitat.

Space station SPHERES run circles around ordinary satellites

(Phys.org) —These are, in fact, the droids that NASA and its research partners are looking for. Inspired by a floating droid battling Luke Skywalker in the film Star Wars, the free-flying satellites known as Synchronized ...

New evidence for ancient ocean on Mars

Did a vast ocean once cover Mars' northern plains? The idea has been hotly debated among scientists for the past 20 years, ever since Viking Orbiter images revealed possible ancient shorelines near the pole. Later findings ...

A small satellite that knows its way around immensity

(Phys.org) —CubETH is the name of a joint project between EPFL's Swiss Space Center and ETHZ whose main objective is to build a satellite scheduled for launch in late 2015. The CubETH spacecraft will be capable of calculating ...

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